

From: "Tomoyuki Asakawa" <"Tomoyuki Asakawa" <tom@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 21:38:05 +0900
Subject: [mysql 03016] Re: Mysql - MacOSXServer




以下MySQLのMac OS X serverへのインストールメモ

1. Get the source from www.mysql.com or one of the mirrors
2. Get the patches from http://www.prnet.de/RegEx/patches.tar.gz
3. Get the pthread-package from http://www.prnet.de/RegEx/pthread.tar.gz
4. unpack everything in /tmp with "cd /tmp; gnutar xvfz [file].tar.gz"
5. You must be root to do the following:
      cd /tmp/pthread; make; make install; cd /tmp
6. cd /tmp/[mysql-source-directory]
7. Call configure with
      ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
      --with-named-curses-libs= \
      --host=powerpc-apple-netbsd \
      --disable-shared \
      --with-charset=ujis \

//#if (defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__GNUC__)) &&
#define __attribute__(A)


#define pthread_key_create(A,B) \
  pthread_key_create(A,(B) ?\
    (pthread_destructor_t) (B) :\
    (pthread_destructor_t) pthread_dummy)
#define pthread_cond_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_mutex_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_attr_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_attr_setstacksize(A,B) pthread_dummy(0)
#define pthread_equal(A,B) ((A) == (B))
#define pthread_cond_timedwait(a,b,c) pthread_cond_wait((a),(b))

9. Apply the _super-ugly_ patches for the isam-files
      perl ../patches/rep.pl  'ni_' 'ISAM_' `find . -name '*.c'`
      perl ../patches/rep.pl  'ni_' 'ISAM_' `find . -name '*.cc'`
      perl ../patches/rep.pl  'ni_' 'ISAM_' `find . -name '*.h'`
   This is due to a name conflict in the System-Framework
10. make. (Takes about 10 Minutes)
   If you run into any errors, then you'll have to fix them yourself.
   Please note Step 6!
11. make install. With the settings above, it should install everything
12. Read the INSTALL and README supplied with mysql, but it should be enough
to call
      /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &
      /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql mysql
    and select something, say "select * from user;" or "show tables;"
Have Fun!!!

_Please_ send email to ak@xxxxxxxxxx once you tested a few things. I want to
post this thing to a few news-services later this week and would like some
feedback before I make a fool of myself :)

It would also be nice if someone more knowledgeable than me could take a
look at things,
ecspecially the pthread-part of everything!

Now if only the guy who posted the message about an EOAdapter for mysql
could get in touch with me (BTW: thanks for your posting, it really got me
with everything)


      3010 2001-01-12 13:37 ["Wataru Numata" <ida] Mysql - MacOSXServer                    
      3011 2001-01-12 14:33 ┗[Kazu Kimura <kimura@]                                       
      3012 2001-01-12 17:52  ┗[MORISHITA Katsunori ]                                     
->    3016 2001-01-12 21:38   ┗["Tomoyuki Asakawa" <]                                   
      3020 2001-01-13 00:34    ┣["Wataru Numata" <ida]                                 
      3021 2001-01-13 01:09    ┗[MORISHITA Katsunori ]                                 
      3039 2001-01-16 17:08     ┗[MORISHITA Katsunori ]