From: "N.Yoshida" <"N.Yoshida" <yosh_no@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 19:41:55 +0900
Subject: [mysql 02165] Re: mysql デーモンの負荷テストで不可解な現象
吉田です。 コメントありがとうございます。 >たてやんっす > >MySQL の シェアードライブラリのダイナミックローディング用パスは 設定してありますか? > >対応 1 > /etc/ に > があるパスを 設定したあと > ldconfig を実行 > > これをするとアプリケーションごとに設定する必要はなくなります > >対応 2 > LD_RUN_PATH を設定する > export LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib/mysql:/lib" > などと環境変数にいれてやる > これだと ユーザごとにログインするたびに設定するか > 起動するユーティリティを実行する前に設定が必要です > >これで 解決できないでしょうか? 解決できませんでした。すこし問題が違うように思っています。 Msql-Mysql-modulesはreadmeに記述の「既知の問題」のためlibmysqlclientを スタティックリンクして(次のように)インストールしています。 ------------------------------------------------------- Shell > perl Makefile.PL --static --config ◆ Which drivers do you want to install? 1) MySQL only 2) mSQL only (either of mSQL 1 or mSQL 2) 3) MySQL and mSQL (either of mSQL 1 or mSQL 2) 4) mSQL 1 and mSQL 2 5) MySQL, mSQL 1 and mSQL 2 Enter the appropriate number: [3] 1 Do you want to install the MysqlPerl emulation? You might keep your old Mysql module (to be distinguished from DBD::mysql!) if you are concerned about compatibility to existing applications! [n] Where is your MySQL installed? Please tell me the directory that contains the subdir 'include'. [/usr/local/mysql] Which database should I use for testing the MySQL drivers? [test] On which host is database test running (hostname, ip address or host:port) [localhost] User name for connecting to database test? [root] Password for connecting to database test? [undef] Creating files for MySQL .................... Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Using DBI 1.13 installed in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/auto/DBI Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql Writing Makefile for Msql-Mysql-modules Shell > make (略) Shell > make test◆ make[1]: Entering directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' make[1]: Entering directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -I../blib/arch -I../blib/lib -I/usr/lib/perl5/5. 00503/i586-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $ve rbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t t/00base............install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/ DBD/mysql/' for module DBD::mysql: ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/ ◆undefined symbol: uncompress at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux/DynaLoader. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pm line 169. ............................... Shell > export LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/mysql/lib:lib";make test◆やってみました make[1]: Entering directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' make[1]: Entering directory `/usr1/src/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214/mysql' PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -I../blib/arch -I../blib/lib -I/usr/lib/perl5/5. 00503/i586-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $ve rbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t t/00base............install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/ DBD/mysql/' for module DBD::mysql: ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/ ◆undefined symbol: uncompress at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i586-linux/ line 169. ------------------------------------------------------- 下にmsql-Mysql-modulesのreadmeを示しますが、1)の問題に酷似しています。し かしPerlもMySQLも同じコンパイラでコンパイルしているので違うかもしれません。 2)の方は perl Makefile.PL --static --config でスタティックリンクにして対処し ております。 ---(参考Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214のreadme)------------------------------------ 翻訳がにあり KNOWN PROBLEMS 1.) If the MySQL binaries are compiled with gcc or egcs (as the precompiled binaries are), but your Perl is using another compiler, it is likely that you receive an error message like the following when running "make test": t/00base............install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/' for module DBD::mysql: ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/ ◆undefined symbol: _umoddi3 at /usr/local/perl-5.005/lib/5.005/i586-linux-thread/ line 168. This means, that your linker doesn't include libgcc.a. You have the following options: a) Either recompile Perl or Mysql, it doesn't matter which. The important thing is that you use the same compiler for both. This is definitely the recommended solution in the long term. b) A simple workaround is to include libgcc.a manually. Do a "make clean" and "make" and in the output wait for a line like LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib/mysql:/lib" egcs -o ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/ -shared -L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o -L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lm Repeat the same line in the shell by adding -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/gcc- -lgcc where the directory is the location of libgcc.a. The best choice for locating this file is executing gcc --print-libgcc-file or gcc -v 2.) There are known problems with shared versions of libmysqlclient, at least on some Linux boxes. If you receive an error message similar to install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i586-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/' for module DBD::mysql: ◆File not found at /usr/lib/perl5/i586-linux/5.00404/ line 166 then this error message can be misleading: It's not that fails being loaded, but! As a workaround, recompile the Msql-Mysql-modules with perl Makefile.PL --static --config ◆ make make test make install This option forces linkage against the static libmysqlclient.a. ---(Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214のreadme)------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 吉田 伸次(N.Yoshida) E-mail:yosh_no@xxxxxxxxxx nifty :TCN00171@xxxxxxxxxx -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2153 2000-06-02 11:39 ["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no] mysql デーモンの負荷テストで不可解な現象 2154 2000-06-02 17:32 ┗[<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>] 2156 2000-06-02 20:12 ┗["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no] 2158 2000-06-02 22:43 ┗[<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>] 2163 2000-06-05 14:58 ┗["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no] 2164 2000-06-05 16:14 ┗[Seiji Tateyama <tate] -> 2165 2000-06-05 19:41 ┗["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no] 2166 2000-06-05 21:44 ┣[<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>] 2188 2000-06-10 19:27 ┃┗["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no] 2167 2000-06-06 01:42 ┗[tateyan <tateyan@xxx] 2168 2000-06-06 10:22 ┗["N.Yoshida" <yosh_no]