

From: <takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 20:18:42 +0900
Subject: [mysql 01790] sjis & order by

MySQL を --with-charset=sjis で作成して、
char 型(binary 属性はつけない)に sjis データを入れた時、
order by が一部、正しく出なかったのを修正するパッチです。

現在の MySQL のコードでは、char 型に代入された SJIS 文字の
2byte 目が 0x41-0x5a (=[a-z]), 0x61-0x7a (=[A-Z]) の時に、
2byte 目が ケース非依存でソートされてしまいます。

EUC は、2byte 目も 8bit 文字なので、この問題はおきません。

なお、本パッチは、2バイトコードの SJIS しか考慮していません。

ソースコードは、ほとんど GBK 用のソースのコピーです.

 村上 毅  takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx

--- include/m_ctype.h.in.orig	Tue Mar 21 16:43:54 2000
+++ include/m_ctype.h.in	Tue Mar 21 15:03:51 2000
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@
 #define ismbhead(c)	issjishead(c)
 #define mbcharlen(c)	(issjishead(c)? 2: 0)
 #define MBMAXLEN	2
+#undef USE_STRCOLL 
+#define USE_STRCOLL 
 /* Support for Chinese(BIG5) characters, by jou@xxxxxxxxxx
--- strings/ctype-sjis.c.orig	Tue Mar 21 16:44:12 2000
+++ strings/ctype-sjis.c	Tue Mar 21 17:55:23 2000
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 /* This file is for Shift JIS charset, and created by tommy@xxxxxxxxxx.
+#include <stdio.h>
 #include <global.h>
 #include "m_string.h"
+#include "m_ctype.h"
+#define issjiscode(c,d) (issjishead(c) && issjistail(d))
+#define gbkcode(c,d)   (((uchar)(c) <<8) | (uchar)(d))
+#define gbkhead(e)     ((uchar)(e>>8))
+#define gbktail(e)     ((uchar)(e&0xff))
 uchar NEAR ctype_sjis[257] =
@@ -37,7 +45,7 @@
     0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020,
     0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020,
     0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020,
-    0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0000, 0000, 0000,
+    0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0020, 0000, 0000, 0000
 uchar NEAR to_lower_sjis[]=
@@ -73,7 +81,7 @@
-  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377',
+  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377'
 uchar NEAR to_upper_sjis[]=
@@ -109,7 +117,7 @@
-  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377',
+  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377'
 uchar NEAR sort_order_sjis[]=
@@ -145,5 +153,146 @@
-  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377',
+  '\370','\371','\372','\373','\374','\375','\376','\377'
+uint16 gbksortorder(uint16 i)
+  uint index=gbktail(i);
+  if (index>0x7f) index-=0x41;
+  else index-=0x40;
+  index+=(gbkhead(i)-0x81)*0xbe;
+  return 0x8100+gbk_order[index];
+uint16 sjissortorder(uint16 i)
+  return (i);
+int my_strnncoll(const uchar * s1, int len1, const uchar * s2, int len2)
+  uint len,c1,c2; 
+  len = min(len1,len2);
+  while (len--)
+  {
+    if ((len > 0) && issjiscode(*s1,*(s1+1)) && issjiscode(*s2, *(s2+1)))
+    {
+      c1=gbkcode(*s1,*(s1+1));
+      c2=gbkcode(*s2,*(s2+1));
+      if (c1!=c2)
+        return ((int) sjissortorder(c1) - (int) sjissortorder(c2));
+      s1+=2;
+      s2+=2;
+      --len;
+    } else if (my_sort_order[(uchar) *s1++] != my_sort_order[(uchar) *s2++])
+      return ((int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s1[-1]] -
+	      (int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s2[-1]]);
+  }
+  return (int) (len1-len2);
+int my_strcoll(const uchar * s1, const uchar * s2)
+  return my_strnncoll(s1,strlen(s1),s2,strlen(s2));
+int my_strnxfrm(uchar * dest, uchar * src, int len, int srclen)
+  uint16 e;
+  len = srclen;
+  while (len--)
+  {
+    if ((len > 0) && issjiscode(*src, *(src+1)))
+    {
+      e = sjissortorder(gbkcode(*src, *(src+1)));
+      *dest++ = gbkhead(e);
+      *dest++ = gbktail(e);
+      src+=2;
+      len--;
+    } else 
+      *dest++ = my_sort_order[(uchar) *src++];
+  }
+  return srclen;
+int my_strxfrm(uchar * dest, uchar * src, int len)
+  return my_strnxfrm(dest,src,len,strlen(src));
+** Calculate min_str and max_str that ranges a LIKE string.
+** Arguments:
+** ptr		Pointer to LIKE string.
+** ptr_length	Length of LIKE string.
+** escape	Escape character in LIKE.  (Normally '\').
+**		All escape characters should be removed from min_str and max_str
+** res_length   Length of min_str and max_str.
+** min_str      Smallest case sensitive string that ranges LIKE.
+**		Should be space padded to res_length.
+** max_str	Largest case sensitive string that ranges LIKE.
+**		Normally padded with the biggest character sort value.
+** The function should return 0 if ok and 1 if the LIKE string can't be
+** optimized !
+#define max_sort_char 255
+#define wild_one '_'
+#define wild_many '%'
+extern my_bool my_like_range(const char *ptr,uint ptr_length,pchar escape,
+                      uint res_length, char *min_str,char *max_str,
+                      uint *min_length,uint *max_length)
+  const char *end=ptr+ptr_length;
+  char *min_org=min_str;
+  char *min_end=min_str+res_length;
+  for (; ptr != end && min_str != min_end ; ptr++)
+  {
+    if (ptr+1 != end && issjiscode(ptr[0],ptr[1]))
+    {
+      *min_str++= *max_str++ = *ptr++;
+      *min_str++= *max_str++ = *ptr;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (*ptr == escape && ptr+1 != end)
+    {
+      ptr++;				/* Skipp escape */
+      *min_str++= *max_str++ = *ptr;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (*ptr == wild_one)		/* '_' in SQL */
+    {
+      *min_str++='\0';			/* This should be min char */
+      *max_str++=max_sort_char;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (*ptr == wild_many)		/* '%' in SQL */
+    {
+      *min_length= (uint) (min_str - min_org);
+      *max_length= res_length;
+      do {
+	*min_str++ = '\0';		/* Because if key compression */
+	*max_str++ = max_sort_char;
+      } while (min_str != min_end);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    *min_str++= *max_str++ = *ptr;
+  }
+  *min_length= *max_length = (uint) (min_str - min_org);
+  while (min_str != min_end)
+  {
+    *min_str++ = ' ';			/* Because if key compression */
+    *max_str++ = ' ';
+  }
+  return 0;


->    1790 2000-03-21 20:18 [<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>] sjis &amp; order by                     
      1792 2000-03-22 01:52 ┗[とみたまさひろ <tomm]                                       
      1794 2000-03-22 04:23  ┗[<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>]