MySQL 4.0.23 リリース

投稿日時 2004-12-22 2:11:16 | トピック: MySQL

MySQL 4.0.23 がリリースされました。
先日リリースされた 4.1.8 と同様、 mysqldump に--hex-blob オプションが追加されたことにより、バイナリ系のカラムを持つテーブルの dump が正常に行えるようになりました。
また、チェンジログを見る限り、4.1.8で mysqldump に加えられたその他のオプション(ダンプ時のトランザクション制御や出力順序に関するオプション)は このバージョンには導入されていない模様です。



Changes in release 4.0.23:
- Added --hex-blob option to mysqldump for dumping binary string columns using hexadecimal notation.

- Added mysql_hex_string() C API function that hex-encodes a string.

- InnoDB: Do not periodically write SHOW INNODB STATUS information to a temporary file unless the configuration option innodb_status_file=1 is set.

- InnoDB: Made the foreign key parser better aware of quotes. (Bug #6340)

- InnoDB: Fixed a bug in LOAD DATA INFILE...REPLACE printing duplicate key error when executing the same load query several times. (Bug #5835)

- mysqlbinlog now prints an informative commented line (thread id, timestamp, server id, etc) before each LOAD DATA INFILE, like it already does for other queries; unless --short-form is used.

- Prevent adding CREATE TABLE .. SELECT query to the binary log when the insertion of new records partially failed. (Bug #6682)

- Fixed bug which caused FROM_UNIXTIME() function to return wrong result if the argument was too big. (Bug #6439)

- Fixed bug which caused MySQL server to store wrong values in TIMESTAMP columns and give wrong results for UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function if it was run in time zone with leap seconds. (Bug #6387)

- InnoDB: Refuse to open new-style tables created with MySQL 5.0.3 or later. (Bug #7089)

- InnoDB: Do not call rewind() when displaying SHOW INNODB STATUS information on stderr.

- InnoDB: If one used INSERT IGNORE to insert several rows at a time, and the first inserts were ignored because of a duplicate key collision, then InnoDB in a replication slave assigned AUTO_INCREMENT values 1 bigger than in the master. This broke the MySQL replication. (Bug #6287)

- InnoDB: Fix two hangs: FOREIGN KEY constraints treated table and database names as case-insensitive. RENAME TABLE t TO T would hang in an endless loop if t had a foreign key constraint defined on it. Fix also a hang over the dictionary mutex that would occur if one tried in ALTER TABLE or RENAME TABLE to create a foreign key constraint name that collided with another existing name. (Bug #3478)

- Fixed a bug which caused a crash when only the slave I/O thread was stopped and restarted. (Bug #6148)

- If a connection had an open transaction but had done no updates to transactional tables (for example if had just done a SELECT FOR UPDATE then executed a non-transactional update, that update automatically committed the transaction (thus releasing InnoDB's row-level locks etc). (Bug #5714)

- If a connection was interrupted by a network error and did a rollback, the network error code got stored into the BEGIN and ROLLBACK binary log events; that caused superfluous slave stops. (Bug #6522)

- A sequence of BEGIN (or SET AUTOCOMMIT=0), FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, transactional update, COMMIT, FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK could hang the connection forever and possibly the MySQL server itself. This happened for example when running the innobackup script several times. (Bug #6732)

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